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  WebShocker v2.2



Here's a small list of FAQs on VINC. As more of you ask more questions, this section will keep growing. Do send us any queries you may have.

Q-1) Why does the converted data from PDF documents not include any indentations, or document margins?

A PDF document doesn't contain any information such as margins, indentations or even paragraphs. VINC intelligently forms paragaphs where possible but doesn't apply any kind of margins or indentations for the data.
Q-2) What is the data that is extracted/converted from PDF files?

Only Text data.
Q-3) Does VINC support conversions of embedded data such as Images, Excel spreadsheets in MSWord Files?

VINC converts images embedded in MSWord files. If an Excel Spreadsheet or PowerPoint graphics etc... is embedded in an MSWord file, VINC will convert them to a viewable graphics format.


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