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  Macintosh Solutions
  Quality Assurance
  Engineering Excellence


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Model

At Recosoft we are committed to maintaining consistently high quality standards - of people, of processes, of infrastructure. It is our constant endeavor to ensure the highest quality in every aspect of IT that we straddle. Our processes are documented, institutionalized and evaluated, helping us become more effective and efficient with every project we work on. We apply Quality Control and Management principles to all aspects of the Project Execution, Delivery and Management cycle. Rigorous Quality Control and Management procedures minimize the number of defects. During each step of the Quality Assurance cycle, metrics data are collected and cross referenced against our internal database. The collected metrics and data are finally incorporated into the Quality Management Database for internal audit and review at a later stage. We donÍt compromise on quality even if we have to meet the toughest of deadlines. As far as timely delivery of projects and customer satisfaction is concerned, we have a 100% track record. For us, quality is the path, not the destination.

The steps involved in our Quality Assurance program are:

  • Systems Analysis
  • Verification Suite Generation
  • User Interface Verification
  • Functionality Verification
  • Parameter Range Verification
  • Stress Testing
  • Random Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Certification
Single - minded Focus: Customer Satisfaction

At Recosoft, our goal is to make sure our customers achieve their goals. We constantly strive to improve our business processes to meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers. We believe customer satisfaction is the most important key to success. Reliable and superior solutions assuring a high return on investment. We follow exacting procedures and standards to provide incomparable IT solutions. Our measurable service delivery model makes sure our clients get highest returns on their investment. At Recosoft, we meet impossibly high standards of quality our own. We benchmark all our products and services against the most stringent norms. Rest assured, we provide our clients with value far beyond the written word.

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