Choose the Open Command from the File Menu in Word.
then, Choose the file to open using the Open dialog
When the PDF2Office Options dialog appears, click on the OK button.
Microsoft® Word's progress dialog appears.
The PDF file is converted to the Microsoft® Word format and appears in a new window in Microsoft® Word ready for editing.
Scope of Conversion
PDF2Office Personal takes a PDF document and performs the following processing -
Forms paragraphs and applies indentations (justification
is set to left)
Applies text styles and retains font information (or font mapping is performed)
Constructs page properties such as margins
and page breaks where appropriate
Interpolates columns and section breaks
Matches headers and footers where possible
Forms endnotes/footnotes
Identfies and creates tables
Regroups intersecting and overlapping Graphics
Processes all images (except JBIG format) and regroups
intersecting sliced images
Note: PDF2Office Personal strictly honors the security settings of a PDF document.
Key Features
Open PDF documents directly in Microsoft® Word
PDF2Office Personal is a plug-in for Microsoft® Word that enables you to directly open PDF documents within Microsoft® Word.
Drag and Drop
Simply drag and drop a PDF onto Word and have it open in Microsoft® Word.
PDF2Office Personal converts the PDF document to Microsoft® Word format within seconds.
Familiar Interface
PDF2Office Personal uses standard Microsoft® Word interface for opening a
PDF document - there is no need to learn anything new.
Seamless Integration
PDF2Office Personal seamlessly integrates with Microsoft® Word and the desktop interface.
Extract Data
Extract text, images and/or other data from specific pages.
Multi-Language/Asian Language Support
Supports English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Western European, Greek, Russian-language data contained in PDF documents.